Marist Brothers International School Alumni

Support Our Marist Legacy: Donate to Preserve Our School's History


Giving to MBIS

As Marist Brothers International School approaches its 73rd anniversary, it is essential that we come together as a community to ensure the continued celebration of our rich history. Over the years, our school has nurtured generations of students, empowering them with knowledge, character, and a deep sense of responsibility. As we move forward into the future, the generosity of supporters like you ensures that this legacy will be able to thrive and continue to inspire present and future generations of MBIS students.

Your contributions will be instrumental in preserving our school’s historical significance and allowing us to create an environment where students can learn, grow, and thrive.

The funds raised will be utilized to:

  • Preserve Historical Artifacts: Our school possesses a treasure trove of photographs, documents, and memorabilia that chronicle our journey over the past seven decades. By investing in archival methods and digitization efforts, we can safeguard these invaluable pieces of our history for future generations.
  • Campus Redevelopment and Maintenance of our Buildings: Our iconic “Administration/Library/Cafeteria” building which stood as a landmark for Marist has been demolished. As well the Marist Bulldog gymnasium designed by Brother Augusta in the 1970’s is a testament to our enduring spirit and has undergone temporary restoration and maintenance. Donations will help preserve heritage artifacts and ensure that our new structures have display areas that continue to serve as inspiring learning spaces for years to come.
  • Establish Scholarships for Deserving Students: We believe in providing equal opportunities for all young learners who demonstrate exceptional potential but may face financial obstacles. Your donation will contribute to establishing scholarships, enabling talented students to access a MBIS education and benefit from its strong values.

To facilitate your contribution, we have created a dedicated donation webpage link below and on our school’s website, where you can securely make a donation at ( LINK)  We have made the process simple and convenient, ensuring that your valuable support reaches us without any hassle.

As a donor, you will receive regular updates on how your contribution is making a difference in the lives of our students. We will provide you with photos, reports, testimonials, and personal stories, showcasing the impact of your generosity. Additionally, all donors will be acknowledged in our annual donation wall and publication. You are always invited to our special events, allowing you to witness firsthand the transformation your donation brings about.

Your support will not only preserve our history but also contribute to shaping the future of our school. Together, we can ensure that future generations experience the same exceptional education and strong Marist values that have defined our beloved institution for over seven decades.

Together, we can uphold the values that have made Marist Brothers International School  a life changing institution for generations.

Thank you for considering this request, and please do not hesitate to reach out to me personally at  if you have any questions or would like further information.

With heartfelt appreciation,

Shawn Hutchinson and Mark Pilgrim

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Bank Wire

学校法人マリスト国際学校 振込先
銀行: 三井住友銀行
支店: 須磨支店 
口座番号: 普通 3496349
口座名: 学校法人マリスト国際学校      ガク)マリストコクサイガッコウ

MBIS Bank Information
Branch No.: 369
ACC No.: 3496349 (Ordinary ACC)
ADD.: 1-2-1, CHIMORI-CHO, SUMA-KU, KOBE, Hyogo, JAPAN 654-0072
TEL: 81-78-732-6266
